Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Deanwood Recreation & Library Center...9 months later

Last week, Councilmember Muriel Bowser, Chairman Committee on Libraries, Parks, and Recreation, toured the nine-month old Deanwood Recreation Center and Library.  Bowser, who is also Ward 4 Councilmember, was taking the opportunity to talk with community members and frontline staff to gain perspective on upcoming budget and planning hearings.

Public Oversight Roundtable: Summer Programs and Aquatics Readiness of the Department of Parks and Recreation
Monday, April 11, 11:00 a.m.
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Room 123
(Federal Triangle Metro)

The roundtable will inquire into the Department of Parks and Recreation’s preparations for the efficient administration of the agency’s summer programs, including arrangements to commence operation of all 31 outdoor aquatics amenities. As soon as District schools adjourn for summer, the utilization rates of our DPR facilities greatly increase. As safe, productive environments for District children, it is vital that we ensure DPR is ready to provide first-class recreation activities at first-class recreation facilities during this time. To that end, the roundtable will inquire into the agency’s efforts to hire sufficient staff, especially lifeguards; to prepare physical facilities like pools, spray parks, fields, and tennis courts; the mowing schedule; agency plans for engaging with stakeholders; and a description of all summer programs and camps for
youth, adults, and our seniors. The Committee will also review pending capital projects, Unity Park, summer hiring and other DPR vacancies.

THURSDAY, April 14, 10a - Budget hearing for DPR, 1350 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, COUNCIL CHAMBER (ROOM 500)

MONDAY, April 18, 10a - Budget hearing for DCPL, 1350 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, ROOM 412

Deanwood Recreation and Library Center's Opening Day June 2010 was a celebration (and joyous madhouse)!
Deanwood computer lab on grand opening day, June 2010
L-R: Bowser, DCPL Chief Ginnie Cooper, Deanwood resident Beverly Goode, and Deanwood Branch manager Winnell Montague

Bowser's tour coincided with the Deanwood Library's reading time.

CM Bowser listening intently to concerns raised by Deanwood neighbors Yvonne Johnson and David Smith.  Recreation Center Manager Orvin Wright joins the tour.
CM Bowser (c) with Deanwood Neighbors and DCPL Chief and Staff and DPR Manager

1 comment:

  1. A shout out to Orvin Wright! I worked with him at St. Peter's School. Hope he is well.
    Andrea Allen
